Monday, December 22, 2008

Fat Loss Training with a Friend

Yesterday morning I had a great workout with my girlfriend.

Every now and then we do a session together when our training schedules align and it's always good fun and hard work.

If you ever struggle for motivation, then training with a friend or your partner is a must. They can pick you up if you are struggling and you can do the same for them.

It's all about that social support.

Having your network to utilise to make your fat loss results occur even faster than what would happen if you didn't have your "spotters" to steal an old gym phrase.

This is the session we knocked over.

1 Arm Snatch x 10 on each side

Get Ups x 10 each side

Renegade Rows x 10 each side

1 Arm Floor Chest Press x 10 each arm

1 Arm Swings x 10 each side

1 Arm Squat Press x 10 each side

1 Arm High Pulls x 10 each side

Half Moon x 10 each side

Side Plank holding kettlebell 30 secs each side

Floor Trunk Extensions x 50

Tough set but it felt great to do a session together and I know that we started off our Sunday on the right foot and we probably even deserved that Choc-honeycomb cheesecake we had at lunch!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fat Loss linked to New James Bond Movie?

Just Another Way to Die

I finally got to see the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, on Sunday.

I'm a bit of a Bond fan and was really looking forward to seeing it. I even re-watched Casino Royale before I went as I knew the two were linked for the first time ever in a Bond film.

It's a pretty cool movie and I really like Daniel Craig as a bad ar$e Bond.

Now, before I start to sound like too much of a movie critic, there is a point to me referencing James Bond.

You see, the theme song is "Just Another Way to Die" by Alicia Keys and Jack White, and I've had that song playing in my head the last few days.

It got me thinking yesterday how appropriate that title is to sum up the way most people live their life.

- Lack of exercise excuses ... Just another way to die

- Lack of motivation excuses ... Just another way to die

- Increased risk of heart disease ... Just another way to die

- Kids getting type 2 diabetes ... Just another way to die

I think you get the point by now right?

People dying before their time should be up is not just another way to die.

It is a total waste of potential.

Don't take the easy road as it always ends in a dead end and the ending is never pretty.

As my mate, US Strength Coach Troy Anderson likes to say "Fitness ain't pretty. Results are".

Don't give yourself another way to die.

Choose the road of action and make it happen.

What have you got to lose?

Oh yeah.

Just your life

Daniel Munday
Sydney Boot Camp and Group Training Fat Loss Specialist

Monday, December 15, 2008

How Far Did You Come in 2008?

The year is almost at an end.

Hard to believe but true.

I hope you've had a productive year like me and haven't just let it slide by.

So now for the $64,000 question.

How Far Did You Come in 2008?

Before the year finishes, let's take an early look back at what you have achieved.

I challenge you to take a minute to reflect.

1) What have you accomplished that makes you proud?

2) What have you done that has brought value to your life and the life of others?

3) Finally what are you grateful for.
This continues on my previous posts around Thanksgiving time.

I'll take the reigns and show you how it's done.

1) I am proud of

- helping some great people get some great fat loss results this year

- finishing my online Aussie Fatblast Success System

2) I've given people the belief that they can succeed in their own personal fat loss challenge

3) See my two gratitude posts to see what I am thankful for in my life you can read the two posts here and here.

The challenge now is for you to go through the same simple three steps.

Finally what are you going to be celebrating come December 31 with a cold beer or champagne glass in hand?

I'll be celebrating a successful year and look forward to making 2009 an even bigger and better one.

I hope that you are a part of it so we can do it together!

My gifts for the world's biggest fat loss and fitness giveaway went live on Friday and Saturday so if you missed out on them you can get your hands on some great Aussie Fatblast Hotseat mp3 interrogations at http://www.12daysoffitness.com

Daniel Munday
Sydney Personal Trainer and fat loss expert
Sydney Boot Camp and Group Training expert

Friday, December 12, 2008

Old School Advice

Right now, I'm sitting at home in my office working away and cranking some old school tunes.

Now, get this, I am listening to the very first tape that I ever purchased back in the day.

Yep, I remember the day like it wasn't the 22 years ago that it was!

It was at Kmart Penrith and it was a night time so it must've been Thursday night shopping.

I was in year 3 and was excited to buy my first real bit of music that wasn't kids stuff.

Can you believe that a cassette tape has actually lasted 22 years and still plays and why on earth can I remember a random memory like that but forget to email someone back about something?

So what was it and am I embarrassed to admit it?

Dire Straits Brothers in Arms and no I'm not embarrassed!

Still a great album.

What's the point of me rambling on about old school music.

Well training advice is like the old classic music.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Meaning the more the latest bands or in the purpose of this blog, the latest training and fat loss advice and fads that come along, the more and more we go back to the way that it was done in the old days.

For the most part.

Thankfully we don't do (or if you are you better stop right now) full sit ups that hurt your back and we don't wear the spandex multi coloured fluro gym gear with leg warmers anymore

In the same breath it really isn't considered that cool to be listening to some of the tacky 80's music like Bros and a bunch of other bad bands whose names escapes me.

The one thing they did do right in the old days was training without the BS that comes with training these days.

They used weights and they lifted.

They did squats, deadlifts and other weights exercises that should be the foundatiuon for any fat loss program.

They did push ups, chin ups and other cool body weight exercises that are essential if you are looking for fat loss results.

Let's even go back to the early 1900's and the Russians were using Kettlebells even then.

Yep, the Russians were well ahead of us westerners with the training game even way back when our grandparents were being born.

So the moral of the story today is don't listen to the latest training fads that come through like training on the vibration machine 3000 or the ab king pro.

Stick to what was done in the past and will be done in the next 100 years.

Multi-joint exercises are king when it comes to fat loss and getting the body that you deserve.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Supermodel Diet tips

Karolina Kurkova.

It's a name that I must admit I've never heard of before, but if you are into the modelling scene you may know of her.

Anyway, I read in the paper this morning what her nutrition tips are to keep her looking the way she does.

Let's check out Karolina's diet and see what she eats - or if she eats anything at all!

As quoted in todays Daily Telegraph:

"I eat very clean and fresh. I wake up and I have a green juice with a little protein powder and glutamine mixed in. Then two hours later I have two hard-boiled eggs," says Kurkova...

"Then, two or three hours later I'll have 10 nuts, like walnuts or almonds. Then I'll have grilled fish with vegetables and salads. And then again, a green juice. I just keep it simple."

The Czech Republic-born supermodel's preshow ritual is a little more intense - no carbs, no wheat and three hours of exercise a day.

So what do I think?

Surprisingly, it doesn't look too bad for a supermodel as they are notorious for not eating anything apart from a celery stick a day.

The best part of her diet is she goes wheat free before a show - the perfect way to increase your fat loss results is to go wheat free. If you read anything that I produce in the Aussie Fatblast manual.

The downside is she trains for 3 hours a day probably doing long slow, boring cardio.

That is a no-no when you are looking for the best fat loss results.

You should know that interval training is the number one way to burn your fat off and keep it off.

Karolina also has a thing for nuts. Even if it's only 10 of them, at least she has the right idea.

The no carbs thing?

Sort of right. You don't want to eliminate your carb intake but you want to minimise it if you are looking to look amazing.

So, all in all, she is going alright on the food front - plenty of fish, eggs, vegetables and salads.

Who would've though the food diary of supermodel Karolina Kurkova isn't as bad as you would have imagined.

Finally, you have probably heard me talk about the 12 Days of Fitness a bit lately.

In case you missed it and have been hiding from me, it is the world's biggest fat loss and fitness giveaway.

To get your access all areas pass you just need to sign up right here.

The best news is there is no catch and there is nothing to buy.

It is the fitness professionals way of saying Merry Christmas.

Don't miss the boat this year - the gift giving has already begun and I know I will check out what's on offer to increase my knowledge from some of my fitness peers.

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

Daniel Munday
Sydney Personal Trainer and Fat Loss Specialist

Monday, December 8, 2008

Your Mission on Earth

Today is my mum's birthday so Happy Birthday mum, have a great day!

Yesterday we had a nice lunch at my sisters house with all the fam around and my sister had some really nice photos up of my dad.

I don't want to get all soft and mushy on you but it makes you take a moment and think when you see those type of photos, especially at this time of year.

I found this quote by author Richard Bach that really makes things easier to deal with.

It makes sense and if there is someone in your life that you are missing then I hope this helps:

“Here's a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't”

Now onto some great fat loss producing exercises for you from a specialist Sydney Personal Trainer.

This video is one of the most effective fat loss exercises that you can do

Don't forget that the 12 Days of fitness gift giving starts on the 10th which is this Wednesday!

Make sure you've signed up for your free access all areas pass here

Remember, don't use the Christmas season as an excuse to slacken off your training routine.

Make it a great week!

Friday, December 5, 2008

What I Want to Be Like When I'm 85

One of my mates in the states - hey that's got a pretty cool ring don't you think? - Greg Justice posted this video on his You Tube Page.

Greg is the man when it comes to leading the way with client retention - he's had these guys for 20 odd years and that is not a rarity for Greg.

So check out this video and get inspired by some "oldies" that are definitely young at heart.

I can guarantee that these people will not be dying through a lifestyle related condition.

The best thing about exercising at this age is that their minds are healthy.

You can bet they'd run rings around people half their age and then some!

While I've got you here, make sure that you've got your name on the 12 Days of Fitness notification list - the gift giving begins in 5 days on December 10.

You will even be getting 5 of my best Aussie Fatblast Hotseat mp3 interviews.

In case you haven't heard of this before, it doesn't cost you a cent.

Yep it's free!

It is the giving season, so 250 odd fat loss and fitness experts from around the globe have come together to give you our best tips and secrets for free.

Have an awesome weekend,
Daniel Munday
Sydney Personal Trainer Fat Loss Specialist
Sydney Boot Camps Fat Loss Specialist

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weight Loss Secret Tip: Protein, Protein, Protein

Whenever you hear somebody give you their latest tip to help increase your weight loss results, you can guarantee that there will be something different given out each time as the latest and greatest fad that will "definitely work for you".

The one tip that is rarely ever spoken about however is to ensure that you eat protein with each and every single meal. Why is protein so beneficial? There are a number of reasons but let me start from the top.

The most important reason why you should be having some type of protein with each and every meal that you eat each day is because it increases your body's sense of fullness.

What does this mean? Well, to put it simply, you will not be as hungry after eating something that has protein as the major ingredient. You will feel fuller longer. Compare this to if you eat something that is highly processed and full of sugars like potato chips.

Your body will be craving them and without a doubt you will be feeling hungry again almost as soon as you finish your mouthful and you will want to eat more and more without ever getting that sense of fullness until you have stuffed yourself silly.

Another great reason is because protein is also known as the body's building block. It is used to repair your muscles after training and exercise. By having protein you will be helping repair those muscles that you have exhausted during your session and it will help you emerge leaner and stronger as a result.

Now that you know two reasons why protein is essential to your daily diet requirements, what are the best sources for you to get this protein?

Glad you asked! The best sources are those that are fresh and natural. Good examples include lean meats like turkey and chicken breast; lean red meats are also a good source.

Eggs, nuts, seeds, lentils, tofu, and beans are also all great ways to get your protein intake each day. You could even include Greek yoghurt as a good protein source as this has little human interference. Being a vegetarian is no excuse as you saw some great examples above that are vegetarian options.

Protein is an essential component of every meal that you have from breakfast right through to your after dinner snack. Once you realise the importance that protein plays in your weight loss role, only then will you be able to finally achieve the body that you deserve and rightly desire.

Are you sick of the way you look? Daniel Munday is a Fat Loss Expert based in Sydney, Australia who is dedicated to separating the fitness fact from fiction in helping you solve your fat loss puzzle.

He specialises in giving busy Corporate Professionals the fat loss results they deserve and now you can finally share in his once secret methods via his Aussie Fatblast Success System - the fat loss solution for busy professionals in 20 minutes or less.

Take the steps to change your body today by downloading your free audio and eBook Aussie Fatblast Secrets Revealed report here

Don't let fear hold you back!

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Wheels n Healthy Meals

This was a pretty action packed weekend that I’ve just had and I’ll give you quick run down ‘cause I’m still a little excited I guess!

I picked up my new set of wheels on Friday morning, just in time for the drive up the coast to Nelson Bay where I spent the weekend with my family.

It was a present for my mum’s 60th which was pretty cool. She had a ball and loved spending time with my little niece the most. We got brushed for her most of the time (just joking mum if you see this!).

For once I actually looked forward to driving the 2.5hrs up north in the new car even though it was pouring down rain for most of the way.

I'll make sure I post a photo on here in the next few days. After taking the last 3 days off work, I've got a pile of stuff waiting for me to chew through - the beauty of being your own boss.

But I ain't complaining one bit!

We stopped half way up the F3 for a rest and a snack. I hadn't packed enough food so I went into the servo expecting a choice of not much at all when it comes to something that actually resembles food and not just a chocolate bar.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had a whole section of nuts and other types of healthier snack options like the bounce protein balls.

Although they aren't the best things in the world compared to the usual protein bars that are just candy really these things don't have too many nasties so they were a nice little snack that filled me up for the rest of the trip.

On the way home yesterday we had a nice lunch stop at a place called Oliver's which sells gluten free foods and other whole-foods that actually look edible.

It definitely beats the Maccas stop as the only option like in the old days.

Check it out next time you are on the F3.

I got some great feedback from my post last week on gratitude. I’m glad you enjoyed it because after posting it I realised I had a few more things that I left off so I decided to write part 2.

I added to it on my Aussie Fatblast blog below if you want to check it out:


Now, the words I've found for you today are from renowned author and speaker, Jim Rohn

"Be like a sponge when it comes to each new experience. If you want to be able to express it well, you must first be able to absorb it well."

Don't let fear hold you back!

Go on, make it a great week

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am watching a DVD as I am working of the Craig Ballantyne seminar that I went to last year.

It seems hard to believe that that seminar was a year ago.

So much has happened in the last 12 months.

One of the guest speakers, Dax Moy, is just talking about gratitude and I thought that was a pretty relevant topic considering that the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow.

I really like the idea of Thanksgiving and I really wish that would have been the one American holiday that us Aussies had of embraced.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the idea never really took off here.

So this is a short list of what I am thankful for.

* First up, I am thankful everyday for being with my girlfriend Bron.

* I am thankful for the family environment that I grew up in and believe that my parents made me who I am today.

* I am thankful for the example my Dad set for me in life and in business even though he is not around to enjoy it now with me.

* I am thankful that I learned how important my family really means to me but disappointed that it took my Dad's passing to actually realise it.

* I am thankful that I live 4 doors up the road from my brother and his wife so I can spend more time with them and my little neice, Lucy.

* I am thankful that I have a great relationship with Bron's family and actually enjoy the time that I spend with them.

* I am thankful for the clients that I am lucky enough to have every day.

* I am thankful that I actually enjoy spending time with these people each session

* I am thankful that I don't have to train people that I don't enjoy spending time with

* I am thankful that I am in a position to help change people's lives and help them lose the weight that they deserve to lose.

* I am thankful for people like you who read what I write each time.

* I am thankful when I get a new subscriber to my newsletters.

* I am thankful when I get a sale and someone puts their trust in my Aussie Fatblast program.

* I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do what I love doing everyday instead of turning up to a job that I hate every day.

* I am thankful for having had the opportunity to travel to Florida last year to attend Craig Ballantyne's seminar which now influences the direction my business will head in.

* I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to be in Mastermind Groups with some amazing people who have taught me a lot.

* And finally, I am thankful that you have indulged me writing this list of gratitude and now I challenge you to do the same thing.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Your Supermarket Insiders Tour is a Click Away

I hope your weekend was as good as mine.

I got myself a new car yesterday so that's pretty exciting. Can't wait to pick it up on Friday!

Now before I give you the inside mail on how you should plan your shopping at the supermarket, I wanted to give you a little tip.

I was at my accountants this morning to see how much damage I would be owing our mate the tax man and I got a pleasant surprise which is also a very valuable lesson.

It seems that I was very diligent last financial year and actually overpaid so I get a nice little refund of $1600 odd dollars.

How good is that!

So the lesson here is planning.

I planned and budgeted so I could pay a decent sum of money each quarter with my BAS statement.

Sure that money would've been handy that month but now it feels like Christmas time when I am actually getting a nice cheque back from mr tax man.

How can this benefit you?

Imagine what sort of results you can on your fat loss mission when you have planned all your goals and training sessions in advance.

Do you think the people who are achieving great results just stumble around and say "I might do so and so today"?

Of course not.

As the old saying goes

"Failing to plan is planning to fail"

Oh before I forget, I also received my first commission cheque this morning for my Aussie Fatblast System! You can how happy I am to have this baby in my hands.

I can't retire yet, but gee it feels good that people like you have trusted me to give you the fat loss results that you deserve!

Now to the meat and potatoes of my message today. I'd love you to check out this video that shows you how you some great shopping tips on how you should be planning your supermarket trip to ensure that you avoid all the rubbish that can be found in these places and hence increasing your fat loss results.

I'd love you to share it with a mate if you agree with me - thanks in advance!

Don't let fear hold you back!

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Personal Invitation to YOU!

If you have been catching any of my blog postings in the last couple of days, you probably would’ve noticed that the mega popular 12 Days of Fitness promotion is just around the corner again.


Can you believe that the big fat man in the red suit is just around the corner. That sort of spins me out a bit when you realise that there is only 6 weeks left in the year.

Anyway, because my gift went down well last year, my boy Dax Moy has asked me back again so I’m pumped.

This year I’ve raised the bar and am contributing 2 special gifts, one of which will especially blow your mind.

The first one is a special report that I’ve put together entitled

The Little Black Book of Fat Loss Secrets

You’re going to get your hot little hands on

• Sure fire fat blasting exercises that can be done in hardly any time at all

• Some of my favourite quotes that didn’t make the cut on my initial book I release last year – these are newer quotes that I’ve found for you!

• Some more hot must read books to pump up your tyres

But my favourite gift, which has a massive value of just under $150 big ones is my

Aussie Fatblast Hotseat Interrogations

I’ve got 5 of my favourite interrogations that I’ve done in the last couple of months with some of the world’s best fat loss experts. I was going to sell this product but Dax got me on a good day, so you’re going to be getting it just for being a part of this special 12 Days promo.

This is what some of my mates are going to share with you:

• Why interval training is up to nine times more effective than regular aerobic training

• How a former fat kid now has a body to die for and how you can too

• What motivates me to get out of bed everyday (hey that’s a good un right)

• Some simple tips to help you pre-prepare your meals before work each day – this alone is worth signing up for!

Sounds pretty sweet right?

Now, there’s gotta be a catch yeah?

No, all of this top stuff, plus some sweet gear from some of my other industry mates (there’s over 250 of us on board this global phenomenon) is all free.

It’s our way of sharing the Christmas love.

All you need to do is click right here
and preregister.

The presents get released on Dec 10 but get in early as I reckon this site could crash on the day – there’s half a million people expected to be heading there!

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Press Release: 12 Days of Fitness is Coming

For Immediate Release

Local Fitness Expert Donates Free Fitness Resources to World's Largest Health
and Fitness Gift Giving Bonanza

Sydney’s own fat loss expert, Daniel Munday, today announced a very special invite to take part in the world's largest ever fitness information gift-giving, http://www.12daysoffitness.com where an estimated 500,000 people will benefit from the combined fitness expertise of over 250 personal trainers, physical therapists and nutritionists from around the world.

Munday was chosen to represent Sydney and Australia from among thousands of fitness experts in recognition of his specialist knowledge in the area of fat loss for the busy professional who has limited time to exercise.

He is expected to make quite an impact when he releases his latest box set of Aussie Fatblast Hotseat interrogations on mp3 which are aimed at helping busy people get the fat loss results that they deserve. These Hotseat interviews are so powerful, Munday was going to release them as a stand alone product but as a special Christmas present for the 12 Days of Fitness promotion, he has been talked into giving you these powerful secrets for free.

Munday said "The biggest reason I created this melting pot of fellow fat loss experts is because I believe that there are so many myths that abound about fat loss and if we can help break them down people are going to have the best chance yet of getting the body that they finally deserve”.

Weight gain is a serious problem to so many busy professionals who are tied to a desk bound job all day. Most of these people have tried all of the traditional approaches to fat loss and have failed to achieve any significant results because of these outdated methods. “I wanted to give these busy professionals a simple, straightforward, yet seriously effective means that will give them answers without having to read through pages and pages of information. They can simply download the mp3 recordings and plug them in their iPod and away they go!"

Munday continued, "What makes the release of these audios so special is that it's going to be part of a much bigger and impactful program as part of Dax Moy's '12 days of fitness' program where we anticipate that over 500,000 people will receive advice and help with achieving their health and fitness goals for 2009. To have been selected for such an important role within the project is a great honour indeed"

You can receive your own free downloads of Daniel Munday’s Aussie Fatblast Hotseat Interrogations and hundreds of others for free by visiting http://www.12daysoffitness.com and getting your name onto the gift list which will begin delivering fitness gifts worldwide from December 10th.


Monday, November 17, 2008

The Gardener and Fat Loss Music

A lot happened in my world in 2005 as some of you may already know.

My Dad died, I started my business and I met my girlfriend.

So I guess you could say it was a bit of a roller coaster year with a pretty big low to start it off. At least it finished on an up.

Anyway today is 3 years since I had my first date with my now girlfriend Bron.

Somehow she has managed to put up with me for the last 3 years so she must be a saint in waiting!

Hopefully I'm not that bad right?

We had a nice little celebration dinner at the Summit restaurant on Saturday night where I had to put the healthy eating plan to the side and enjoy some of the chefs fine food.

But it was worth it!

We made up for it yesterday with a killer Tabata workouts strength session following my mate BJ Gaddour's Workout Muse Fat Loss Music tracks.

I did an interview with BJ a few weeks ago which I'd love for you to check out - don't worry it won't cost you a cent to listen too.

This link will expire in one week so you can log on and download and be sure to let me know what you think of it.


I've got a few of these interviews up my sleeve for you so make sure you keep your eyes peeled.

BJ has some great answers to some of my questions on being a former fat kid who got himself in shape and to steal one of his lines is now "crankin' it"!

Anyways, down to my little quote for the week.

Some people will tell you that football players don't have many intelligent things to say. A lot of the time they are right. Especially if you are talking about some of the dunces running around in the NRL these days.

But that's a story for another day.

However, these words from Chad Johnson, the Cincinnati Bengals Wide Receiver (American Football player) put that thought to rest for today at least.

I really like this quote and I challenge you to take Chad's words and put them into practice. I will be leading from the front as usual.

"Some people say the grass is always greener on the other side. I say be the gardener. Water it. Feed it. Make your own grass grow. I make the grass greener wherever I am. I'm the gardener."

One more thing, if you missed my post here on Friday, scroll down and check it out!

I'd love to hear what you think about the latest research on being a fat kid and childhood obesity.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Childhood Obesity Myths Finally Put to Rest

Finally there was a research article quoted in the popular media yesterday that didn't actually encourage people to continue their bad habits.

The usual drivel that is found normally revolves around some genius in a white coat saying that study XYZ actually proves that drinking a 6 pack of beer a day is good for your stress levels or heart health.

Maybe the time is turning.

I knew that I'd have to see one some day so here it is. Drum roll please...

This joint study between us Aussies and our US mates found that children as young as 10 years old had the hardened arteries of 45 year olds.


That is serious.

The study shows that kids that eat a regular diet of chips and other highly processed foods actually have the heart age of their parents.

Can you believe that?

I am glad that this has finally come to light.

I have always advocated that if people treated their dogs the same way they treat their kids, with all the rubbish they feed them, not to mention exercising their dogs more than they encourage their kids to be active, they would be locked up with cruelty to animals charges.

Why is that not in place with kids?

Oh that's right. All the do-gooders will jump up and down and complain.

Childhood Obesity is getting to become a serious epidemic.

This is going to be the first generation where the parents are probably going to outlive the kids on a more common basis which is very sad.

At least most of the damage the parents have done more than likely would not have started as a primary school aged kid or even younger.

What can be done?



My mum and sister constantly tell me horror stories about what the kids in their classes (they are teachers) bring in for lunch everyday.

Fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats, nuts and seeds should be the cornerstone of any persons diet whether they be kids or adults, just like I recommend in the Secret Guide to Smart Eating.

Start getting habits ingrained into kids when they are babies.

If they start eating veges when they are babies they will enjoy them. I see that with my mates kids. They are starting the right habits early.

Don't be lazy. Your kids can't afford you to be.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Here's the Best Fat Burning Exercise

Well it's one of them.

The best fat burning exercise is the one that you will do.

But here's a great exercise, straight from the Aussie Fatblast Success Manual that will definitely get your heart rate up and help you maximise your fat loss results.

It's the Plyometric Jump.

Here's how to do it correctly

If you receive this through an email as a subscriber, you can view the video here

What are you waiting for?

Get to it and burn some fat!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Keep Your Head Up

I got a blast from the past yesterday. I was back at my Mum's house cleaning out a box from under my old bed.

I was surprised by some of the stuff that was in there. I mean I can't believe I actually saved some of that rubbish thinking that one day I might need it.

One thing in particular that I was looking for was a box with a bunch of tapes in there - you are old enough to remember tapes aren't you?

I used to have literally hundreds of these suckers. I spent my youth listening to tunes whenever I could.

One of those tapes I found was from an old 2Pac song - Keep Your Head Up.

Don't laugh - that stuff is great!

It seemed appropriate considering that as we speak people are getting the tap on the shoulder saying that they are no longer needed at their company due to restructuring.

If you, or someone who you love is affected by the downsizing here is something that you should remember:

“Circumstances do not make the man. They merely reveal him to himself” – Epictetus, Roman Philosopher

People, myself included here, learn the most about themselves when they are under adversity.

I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the person that I am today if a massive life altering wake up call hadn't have happened to me 3 and a half years ago.

Who knows where I would have ended up. I just know that I wouldn't be doing what I am doing now.

While this death of a loved one knocked me off my feet I realised that I could take it as a wake up call or whinge about how life sucked and how hard done by we were.

I chose to use it as inspiration.

I hope you and your loved ones to do whenever your second chance comes around.

Don't let fear hold you back!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Social Support as YOUR Fat Loss Tool

Do you realise how important social support is to enhancing your fat loss results?

This short Aussie Fatblast Presents video post will show you how important your network is to your overall success.

If you are receiving this update via email you can visit the link here

Surround yourself with positive people who take positive actions.

Don't let fear hold you back any longer

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Does Fruit Make You Fat?

I could make this a really short post and say NO and that would be it.

But that wouldn't really look good would it?

So now you should know that fruit does NOT make you fat let's take a look at why.

Yes, fruit is full of sugar.

BUT it is natural sugar. It is sugar that your body needs.

The main reason why you should be eating fruit is simply because of all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in a simple piece of fruit.

Did you know that there are over 10,000 vitamins and minerals in an apple that have been discovered.

Note that is not all there is, that is just the ones that have been discovered.

And that is just from one little apple.

Your body needs fruit just like your car needs petrol.

If I had a choice of getting my sugar intake for the day from the 3-4 servings (at least) of fruit that I eat or from having a couple of sugars with my coffee, or by having bread for breakfast you should know what my answer would be.

The fruit of course.

Don't fear fruit.

Embrace it as part of your fat loss mission.

Fruit is essential for your fat loss results.

You should be snacking on fruit as a mid morning or mid afternoon snack option but don't forget the one big secret tip that will accelerate your fat loss results.

This little tip is one of the secrets contained in my Secret Guide to Smart Eating that comes with my Aussie Fatblast Success System but I'll give you a heaps up here.

You need to be eating protein with each meal.

More on that one another day though.

What's your excuse?
Fire UP!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tour de Lance and Reading for Fat Loss

I spent last night looking at hotels and flights for our upcoming trip to Adelaide for the Tour Down Under, also known as Lance Armstrongs comeback to cycling.

I always get excited when I am planning and researching trips. I always get excited by looking at what you can get up to in certain places around the world and it just builds the anticipation for the trip itself.

Especially when there is a massive drawcard like Lance Armstrong.

Maybe I missed my calling as a travel planner?

Nah, I think I'd rather be doing what I'm lucky enough to do now.

Moving on, I often speak about how essential reading is for anybody who wants to be successful.

Successful in business.

Successful in fat loss.

Successful in life.

Successful in (insert your goal here).

This quote I found for today, from an unknown source, definitely hits the nail right on the head.

“Success is kept on the top shelf, and the only way to reach it is by standing on all the books you’ve read”.

So, for the record, I am reading two books at the moment as well as a couple of business subscriptions that I get each month so my reading schedule is pretty full on.

The 2 books are Richistan which is an interesting look into the lives and minds of the mega rich and the other is an infomarketing Dan Kennedy book.

I'd love to hear what you're reading.

You can post your comments here on the blog.

Don't forget to check out my video that I posted here on Friday if you missed it.

I'd love you to spread the word to your friends about the dangers of diet shakes and weight loss shakes

Don't let fear hold you back!

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Real Truth About Diet Shakes and Weight Loss Shakes

I have filmed a couple of videos in the last couple of days and have uploaded them to my You Tube channel.

The latest Aussie Fatblast Presents video that I just filmed this morning is something that I'd love you to check out and share with your friends.

It is something everyone must know about because too many people are making the wallets of these companies fatter.

The sad thing is your waist line gets fatter too when you use these shakes.

Find out the real truth about diet shakes and weight loss shakes in the video below:

Have a great weekend

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Go Shorty, It's My Birthday!

Sorry for borrowing that corny title from the 50 cent song!

But it is my birthday - well not mine, but the birthday of DPM Performance.

You see, last week I celebrated my 3rd Anniversary since registering the DPM Performance business name!

Thanks to you for your continued support and custom because to tell you the truth, most fitness business don't even last the 2 year mark.

So the fact that I have made it this far is soley because of YOU.

And to say thanks I am running a special one week promotion for 1 week until next WEDNESDAY.

For any of my regular group sessions you can bring a friend for FREE for a trial workout and if they decide to join and become a regular you will receive your next group program on me!

How's that for a birthday present for you?

The sessions that this applies for are:

MONDAY/THURSDAY - Botany Boxing Circuit

TUES/THURS - Lunch boxing circuits in the gardens

TUES night - Pulse Program at Observatory Hill

MON/TUES/FRIDAY - Fatblast 30 min workouts in the morning at Observatory Hill

SATURDAY - morning at Observatory Hill

If you'd like to bring a friend to one of your personal training sessions please let me know.

I look forward to seeing you and your friends.

Now, for some works for this week. I'm not sure who wrote this but i saw it on a Ken Duncan poster:

"It is always the darkest before dawn"

If you are doing it tough right now, just remember that good times WILL be around the corner and that you will appreciate them even more after going through this stage of your life right

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Did You See Their Fat Loss Results?

Well the inaugural DPM Performance Body Transformation contest has been run and won.

There were some pretty impressive fat loss results that had to be seen to be believed!

Let's meet the three place getters:

1st Place: Louanne

2nd Place: Rob

3rd Place: Megan

Louanne's story:

Louanne lost a whopping 6.9kg, 8cm off her waist, and 6.6cm off her thighs!

So it is safe to say she is a former shadow of herself.

This is what Louanne had to say:

“Consistent and effective training with an eye on healthy eating takes a lot of effort and motivation. Some things I just can't do alone. Daniel evaluated my food and my training, giving me options and rest days.

With every catch up, Daniel knew what I should have done on my own, and monitored and tracked that - generally, he kept me on my toes, and motivated me get back on the path every time I fell off.

Daniel recommended signing up to a few weight loss motivation emails, which combined with his own gave me the daily/weekly reminders I needed. The effort and energy I spent was no different, but focused in different areas.

The end results are amazing, and I am extremely happy with where I have come to".

You can see Louanne's transformation for yourself here

Rob's Story:

Rob lost 2 notches off his belt and has more energy and is now more productive - he has some pretty impressive before and after photos which you can see here

This is what Rob had to say:

“I've always known that dedication to my exercise regime would produce benefits but it has always been something that gets in the way. Whether it be work, socialising or health that prevents my attendance something usually conspires to prevent me from achieving my goals. I think it is a self destruct button that we push now and again as an easy way out.

Anyway the body shape challenge gave me an extra edge to my motivation for attending training. Because I was more regular it gave me an opportunity to observe some changes in myself that were more than physical. I generally have been more effective at work and have found myself to be leading my team by example in productivity and also in quality of output.

I have felt healthier and generally more vibrant making me more inclined to make quality time with my two young sons (10 months and 2.5 years).

Finally I think that because the challenge has stretched for three months I have burned some new habits into my lifestyle, especially in regard to maintaining physical fitness and vitality.

I feel fantastic”

And Finally,

Megan's story:

* Lost 7cm off her waist!

* Lost 3.6cm off her hips!

* Lost 4.6kg!

Megan has some great advice too:

"During the last 3 months for me it was all about moderation/limitations of foods instead of elimination. I have found in the past that if I eliminate all the bad foods out of my diet altogether, I tended to only then replace them with other foods probably equally as bad.

The main focuses for me were (and by having very small quantities of the following, in the past 3 months, I found that I didn't really miss them that much - who would have thought):

· Cutting down the amount of alcohol consumption (several alcohol free weeks
were had)
· Cutting down the amount of chocolate I consumed (still not really missing
· Limiting coffee to only 1 per day (instead of the usual 3)
· Increasing fruit & vegetable intake
· Really concentrating on smaller portion sizes for meals

In regards to my exercise sessions, I increased the intensity of my training sessions and was training 4-5 times a week mainly concentrating on boxing, strength and cardio circuits".

Another notable mention was Emma who managed to can her caffeine habit - well done!

There's a couple of killer take home examples of what needs to be done to achieve your ultimate fat loss results.

* Really monitor what you eat and drink: You simply cannot out-train a crap diet

* Increase the intensity of your sessions - you should know by now that interval training is the king for fat loss results.

So why don't you take the example of Louanne, Rob, Megan and Emma and take action - TNT - today NOT tomorrow!

Don't let fear hold you back

Friday, October 24, 2008

Questions, Rewards and The Get Out Stakes

Gotta love Fridays right!

Well if you have nothing to do at lunch time today, why don't you get on the line with me and I'll answer your fat loss questions for you.

You see, I'm being interviewed by my mate Greg Hamlyn of the Your Successful Weight Loss teleseminar series.


Greg has asked me to get on the line today for a bit of a question and answer session to give people the answers to their fat loss quest without pulling any punches.

So mark this in your diaries - I'm being grilled on the hotseat today at 12pm Sydney Time, (9pm EST in the states).

It won't cost you a cent to listen - just calling costs but you can get it basically free through skype.


Now onto rewards.

Do you reward yourself for a good job well done, when you achieve something significant?

I'm getting a massage today which my girlfriend shouted me (thanks Bron!) to enjoy some downtime after a big few months.

It doesn't have to be massage. It could be buying yourself clothes, going to the movies.

Just make sure you take the time and do something for you.

Finally, what on earth is the get out stakes?

Well if you are a keen punter like me, and the Cox Plate is on tomorrow by the way, you will know that the get out stakes is your last chance to get in and make amends.

Today is your last chance for the get out stakes before the price goes up on my Aussie Fatblast Success System.

I will show you exactly how to lose the body fat that you want to shed - safely and efficiently in 20 minutes or less each day.


People have already been taking advantage of my special launch price investment of $29.77USD which is only valid until TODAY, FRIDAY OCT 24 - 11:59pm Pacific time in the US and Canada so don't miss the boat.

The 5 time sensitive bonuses which include a food diary review will also be taken down.

Don't miss this one chance for me to actually personally review a week of your nutrition habits. That bonus alone will more than pay for your small investment many times over.

You can find it all by clicking right here

I look forward to seeing you on the call and let me know if you've got a hot tip for the Cox Plate!

Don't let fear hold you back

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't Let Your Health Be a Budget Casualty

It seems that a lot of people are tightening the belt at the moment financially, and hopefully literally as well due to their decreasing waist line!

Some luxuries are getting cut so that people can cope in the upside down market at the moment.

Is this time to panic?

Of course not!

This is the time to step up things.

Why do you think I created the Aussie Fatblast Success System?

I wanted to provide you with the fitness and fat loss tools to ensure you can continue to train in this current climate and still achieve your fat loss results while your colleagues are left behind because they have cancelled their gym memberships.

With the Aussie Fatblast Success System you can train at home, in the gym or even outdoors (like I choose to).

If you act today, you can take advantage of the special launch investment option of $29.77 USD which is only current until this Friday 24 October.

After that, the price increases to $39.77 which is still a steal but get in now to secure your once off investment at a price that is really crazy.

Get the fat loss results that you deserve while the rest of your colleagues and friends keep on making excuses on why they can't train.

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kickin' Goals n Pushin' Weight

Personally I love the feeling that you get after a workout.

I'm feeling a bit like that right now. I just got done with a good weights session not so long ago and my arms are still shaking a bit as a write this.

In fact I dropped my water bottle as I was filling it up because I couldn't handle the extra weight!

This brings me to my words for today from a bloke that passed away in 1989 but his words are just as relevant today as they were during his time here.

This blokes name was Earl Nightingale:

"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It's as simple as that."

I have my goals, some of them include working out and keeping in shape.

Others are personal goals.

Some are business goals.

One of those business goals I finally knocked off on Friday with the launch of my Aussie Fatblast Success System - the ultimate fat loss resource for the busy professional.

I am sure you saw my email from Friday so I won't go on anymore here.

But in case you missed it, I am having a massive launch sale offer until this Friday which I strongly encourage you to be a part of. You can read more here.

But, more importantly, back to you.

What are your goals?

You DO have goals don't you?

If you don't it would be just like trying to find a watering hole in the desert. You'll just be wandering along aimlessly for ever.

I strongly encourage you to plan your trip.

Plan your goals and let me know them by replying in the comments section here.

We can both keep each other accountable.

Don't let fear hold you back!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Official Sneak Peak - The Day Has Arrived

I feel like a first time Dad today!

No, my girlfriend didn't have our first child but I am as proud as a brand new Dad can be.

In fact, after toiling away for the last nine months, I even feel like I have given birth myself (no offense to the women reading here that have - my hat goes off to you all!)

So, what am I so excited about?

Well my little baby has been born after a tough, long yet enjoyable labour.


I poured my heart and soul into getting you an easy to use manual that you can access from anywhere in the world - within minutes - and start training today to get the body that you deserve.

My Aussie Fatblast Success System officially launches on Monday, but as a loyal client, reader and subscriber I wanted to give you a sneak peak and be one of the first people in the world to check out.

AND I want to reward you for taking massive action straight away before anyone else finds out about the fat loss success system that will give you the body that you deserve and the fat loss results in 20 minutes a day or even less!

There is a massive launch sale that will be happening from next Monday for 5 days only before the price goes up so now is your chance to get in on the fun and enjoy the extra little bonus that I will send you.

For the first 10 people that order the Aussie Fatblast Success System I will send you a special interview that I just did with a good mate of mine, Ben Warstler - "The Former Fat Kid".

I spoke to Ben earlier this morning and I want you to be the lucky recipient of this 48 minutes of information packed insights into how to change your mindset from being the fat kid to being a fit kid.

So I'll send you a special link where you can download this awesome interview if you are one of the first 10 people to order the Aussie Fatblast Success System.

What does the Aussie Fatblast Success System include?

* Aussie Fatblast Success Manual - the main exercise workout manual
* Secret Guide to Smart Eating - your nutrition guidelines to ensure your fat loss success
* Pulse Intervals - your guide to your interval cardio sessions
* 13.5 Recipes in 13.5 mins or less meal book
* Optimise Blowtorch bonus workouts
* Little Black Dress program to get the girls into their LBD for that special function
* Can the Man Cans program for the fellas to get rid of man boobs
* Beginners Body Weight Blitz Manual - if you are starting from absolute beginner this is your must start program
* Chris Widener MP3 of the Best Test
* Workout Muse Tabata workout and Post Workout recovery guidelines from BJ Gaddour
* The Maniac Unleashed MP3 audio interview with Tommy Pavia - The Maniac Mental Skills Coach

All of these manuals and mp3's have a value of $419.92 and you can get the whole enchilada for a very small investment of $29.77 USD which only lasts until next Friday, Oct 20.

You'll also get 5 bonuses that you'll have to check out on the page to see for yourself but they are HOT!


is the site to go to see my brand new little baby.

I look forward to providing YOU with the fat loss results that you deserve for an absolute fraction of the price you would pay to train with me in person.

Just imagine how great you can be looking on New Years Eve this year rather than making that drunken promise to yourself that next year will finally be the year I take action...


What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

HSC Nutrition Tips for Anxious Parents and Students

It doesn't seem that long ago when I was the one about to sit my HSC but to tell you the truth, it was 13 years ago.

A lot of water has been under the bridge since then.

Well, it is all on again and it starts tomorrow.

So, while some students may now be wishing that they studied a bit more instead of partying with their mates (I know how you feel), the one area that you can improve on now is through your nutrition habits and these nutrition tips should definitely help you feel more energised and alert during your exams.

My first and biggest tip is to forget everything that any nutritionist will tell you about so called healthy eating.

Most nutritionist advice will be to eat a nice "healthy" breakfast such as a piece of toast with some cereal.

For you lunch have a nice meat sandwich - processed deli meat of course is okay supposedly.

Wrong and wrong.

Your breakfast option should be to avoid breads, cereals and other processed rubbish and go for something like fruit and greek yoghurt.

You could also go for poached eggs or a nice omelette that combines a few vegetable sources like spinach and carrots as an example with a small can of mixed beans for added protein - great brain food.

Lunch might be a tuna salad or even use a tin of salmon - once again, fish and other meats from the ocean are great brain food.

Students need to eliminate the processed carbs that will give them a big sugar hit only to see them crash right in the middle of their exam, feel sleepy and tired and wanting to just go to bed.

Also try and avoid too much of a dependence on coffee.

Yeah coffee is okay but don't overdose on it. Definitely make sure you don't use any added sugar and forget what everyone tells you about low fat milk.

That is just too processed to even worry about.

Finally, get a sufficient amount of sleep so you feel rested when you wake up. Everyone will be different but make sure you get at least seven hours - preferably more.

Don't burn the candle at both ends - there is plenty of time for that after your exams finish!

All of my nutrition secrets are about to be revealed next Monday when my Aussie Fatblast Success System launches to the world.

The Secret Guide to Smart Eating explodes all of these food myths that I have mentioned today and more.

Stay tuned as you are sure to get the fat loss results that you are looking for when you forget about what the nutritionist is trying to beat down your throat and focus on a system that gets you real world fat loss results.

Don't let fear hold you back!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gotta Sweat to Cheat

I had one of those sessions yesterday.

You know the ones I'm talking about?

Where right from the start you feel strong and you just know that you're gonna nail it.

I cranked some old Guns N Roses tunes, got my kettlebells out and did a great session that I can feel the after effects of today.

I was hitting PB's with reps and also weights lifted so it was definitely a good session.

Yeah it felt good to get a sweat on, that's for sure.

Why am I sharing this with you?

To blow my own trumpet?

You should know me better by now.

There's always a hidden reason.

We had a family bbq for my sisters birthday today - so Happy Birthday Katie - have a great day!

I wanted to enjoy my Sunday arvo beers yesterday of course! And they did go down well on a warm springs day.

So, I put in the hard yards so I could enjoy a cheat meal and some drinks.

These words come from the legendary NBA Coach Pat Riley.

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between. "

If you know that you're going to go and and have a few drinks, that's cool. Don't stress out over it.

But you must put in the hard yards before hand.

Do as Pat Riley says and be committed.

Get a sweat on.

Then you can go out and enjoy a nice cheat meal or a drink.

And the best thing is you don't have to feel bad about doing so.

What's your training looking like this week?

Don't let fear hold you back!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are YOU Training for Life?

I've got a quick one for you.

What happens from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed?

Life of course.

Some people make more of it than others and get out to make each and every day a better one than the last.

Some people just wish their days by and do nothing.

Some people are doing just that with their training as well, even though they'd be horrified to find out the truth.

This morning I was helping my sister move. My brother and I were lifting all the heavy stuff into the back of the ute and it got me thinking.

How did my brother and I get that stuff into the back of the ute?

We had to squat down to pick it up of course!

So how do you train?

Are you training for life or do you train like a bodybuilder and just waste your time (if you are a body builder you probably won't be reading this anyway right?)

Do you do Leg Extension exercises and Leg Curls in the gym to burn body fat or do you do real world exercises like Squats and Deadlifts that you will actually need in your daily life?

These Aussie Fatblast style exercises are your big bang exercises - meaning they give you a bigger bang for your buck than the usual exercises that most people do in a gym.

I hope you are like me and do the exercises that are going to accelerate fat loss.

Time is precious so don't waste your training time or your life.

Don't let fear hold you back, just get out and get amongst it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Brand New Ultimate Fatblast Experience Group Is OPEN

We are locked and loaded and ready to begin a brand spanking new 6 week DPM Performance Ultimate Fatblast Experience beginning this Monday.

If you are unsure of what DPM Performance is and who Daniel Munday is, check out the number 1 Sydney Personal Trainer and find out what all the fuss is about.

What will the Ultimate Fatblast Experience allow you to do?

First up: it will let you


yes, this is not a marketing gimmick or trick - but with my type of fatblast training you will be kickstarting your bodies metabolism not only during your session, but for the next 48 hours AFTER your session finishes - yes even while you sleep!

That's the beauty of interval training my friends.

You will get your heart rate up - don't get me wrong.

You will be working.

If you think that 30 mins is not enough then you haven't tried THIS workout program.
30 mins will be way enough and you will be thanking me for giving you the fat loss results that you deserve in 90 minutes a week.


You cannot afford to delay getting into summer shape any longer


STARTS: This Monday, October 13 finishes Fri Nov 21

DAYS: Monday, Tuesday, Friday

TIME: 7:15am - 7:45am

VENUE: Observatory Hill

Option 1: $230 per person if you come by yourself

Option 2: Mates Rates: if you bring a friend, your investment is only $210 per person (save $20)


• 3 x 30 minute Fatblast sessions every Monday, Tuesday and Friday for 6 weeks = 18 sessions

• Optional Before and after photos and/or video footage, so you can SEE your changes!

• Optional Measurements before the first and final sessions • Optional Food Diary Review for 1st and 6th week, so you can see the difference

• All equipment provided

And finally, my nutritional guidelines to ensure your Fat loss success

DEADLINE IS 12pm FRIDAY OCT 10 to RSVP your position


Thank you in advance for passing this onto a friend who may be keen and I am eagerly awaiting your reply to confirm!

To respond, please email daniel(@)dpmperformance.com.au

What's your excuse? Fire UP!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Show Me a Week in Your Life...

Did you enjoy your long weekend?

Hopefully there wasn't too many drinks while you watched Manly give the Storm a hiding in the Grand Final on Sunday arvo.

I know I appreciated my little sleep in yesterday morning - it was nice not to wake up to an alarm for a change on a Monday morning!

The words to fire you up for this week come from Author and Speaker Patricia Fripp

"Tell me what you say you want, show me one week of your life and I will tell you if you will get it"

I believe that I could ask you the same question and I'd be able to tell you straight away whether you are going to succeed in your mission for fat loss.

Am I right?

I'd suggest taking a minute or two and analyse where you are going now.

Is it getting you closer to your goal or driving you futher away from them?

I hope it is the former.

Finally, I was interviewed recently by Greg Hamlyn - founder of the Your Successful Weight Loss Teleseminar Series. The best thing about Greg's series is he doesn't charge anyone to get on board and listen.

Greg interviewed fitness and fat loss experts from around the globe and as one of the premier Sydney Personal Trainer experts I got a gig!

You can hear what questions I answered here:


In fact, it went down so well that we're going to do a Q n A again in a couple of weeks - which you will find out out once you sign up to listen to the first interview.

This won't cost you a red cent - so don't be shy - check it out.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bring It ON Baby!

I don't know what your situation is like this weekend, but here in good old Sydney town, it's a long weekend!

Yep, we've got a public holiday on Monday and people are going to approach it differently.

Some people will just not get it unfortunately.

By that I mean, they will just sit down in front of the TV all weekend and not do anything.

Just let the weekend go by.

It's a bit of a waste if you ask me.

What am I up to?

Sure, come Sunday, I'll be sitting down on the lounge with a nice cold one in hand watching the NRL Rugby League Grand Final but for the rest of the weekend I will be taking MASSIVE action.

I knocked over one awesome teleseminar call yesterday, got done with one earlier today, and got another one lined up for Monday morning - that's 3 for the next 4 days alone.

You'll be sure to hear about them very soon...

I've also got a massive to-do list of things to nail.

Oh yeah, I'm having a punt on the races while I'm writing this!

Unfortunately, I just saw the profile on facebook of someone I know who just said they are looking forward to 3 days of doing NOTHING.

Absolutely nada.

Don't let that be you.

Don't just waste it.

Use your days wisely.

As i wrote about this Jim Rohn quote on Monday's blog post

"Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day tospend. So make sure you spend each one wisely"

Even if you personally don't have a long weekend make sure you use the next two days wisely.

Also, I got some massive news for anyone who is looking for a deadset certain way to getting the fat loss results that you arelooking for.

Yesterday, I launched the DPM Insiders Success Team and I want to know if you have what it takes to become part of the team?

If you think you've got what it takes, see the post below this one.

Don't let fear hold you back!

I want YOU on my team.

PS - Go Beaver Menzies tomorrow!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Announcing: DPM's Insider Success Team

Who Else Wants To Accelerate Their Fat Loss Results With My Personal Coaching - GAURANTEED?

I have a very rare opportunity for 10 people who want to take action and as a valued subscriber, client and reader, I am giving YOU the first bite of the cherry to get in and take MASSIVE ACTION, fast, before I open up the program to the long line of clients and former clients that I have.

Yes, if the 10 spots are full just from this one mail out then the doors are closed –PERMANTENLY.

So what’s the deal?

I am starting an Insiders Success Club where 10 likeminded, focused individuals will have the chance to accelerate your fat loss techniques.

13 Reasons Why You Should Join Me:

• Our own closed doors insiders club membership site and forum where you can post as many questions about training for fat loss, nutrition, whatever.

• Exercise program to follow that will be updated each week (suitable for training in a gym, home or outdoors)

• Bi-monthly conference calls each fortnight at a prearranged time .You must be available for at least one of these calls each month (a value of $97 for each call): one call will be on a pre-organised topic that I will discuss followed by a Q n A open line. The second call will be an open topic forum to answer any pressing questions, tips etc.

• Mp3 recording of the call will be posted on the forum for your continued reference or in case you couldn’t make a call

• Every person will have a weekly assignment they will have to cross off and complete – this will ensure your fat loss results over the 3 month initial period.

• You will receive FREE my entire Aussie Fatblast Success System, including the upgrade bonuses before it launches to the world on October 20 (a value of $97.77USD).

• You will also receive EVERY single information product that I release for as long as you are an Insider Team member (I already have another three in the pipeline besides the Aussie Fatblast Success System) = these bonuses alone will be more than worth your investment.

• Your own private one-on-one kick-start phone call (up to 30 minutes) with me, where we get to the bottom of the biggest problems that are stopping you from achieving your ultimate fat loss results.

• A weekly email PDF hot sheet of important tips, motivation, recommend websites, readings to enhance your success

• Unlimited personal email access to my private email address (my girlfriend doesn’t even know of this address – well until now…) – so if you have any personal questions that you don’t want to post on the forum this will be your avenue to do so.

• Weekly food diary reviews if you choose

• Special industry guest call recordings, articles, giveaways

• You can receive all of my insider information and the workings of what’s been spinning around in my head before anybody else does


Your investment is a modest $100 per month for a 3 month initial commitment.

Once this trial 3 month period is up, you can decide if the DPM Insiders Team is for you and you can agree to continue on the same plan or you can decide that you have got what you want and leave the team, opening the door for someone else to take your place.

Alternatively, you can make a one off, discounted payment of $250 when paid upfront.

All payments are in Australian dollars and are to be made via bank deposit or PayPal (you can use a credit card for this). International members can only use PayPal.

This is a serious investment.

No tyre kickers.

No time wasters.

Only serious people ready to take massive action wanted.

START DATE: Monday October 20

FINISH DATE: Tuesday January 20, 2009


You will be sent an application form that you will need to successfully complete to be accepted in this inaugural run. You will need to return the forms ASAP to be considered for a place.

Once the 10 places are full, the doors are closed – No Exceptions

• You will need to fill out a question and answer form to be accepted.
• Only 10 people will be accepted
• First people to respond will get the first chance to apply


• Perfect if you cannot get to see me in person for your weekly training sessions – you will still get the personalised program and attention

• Even if you do see me for your sessions, this will give you the tools to achieve your perfect results week in, week out

• Networking opportunities with the other 9 likeminded members of the Insiders Team. Share fat loss ideas as well as business ideas to keep you ahead of your colleagues and opposition in this current market

• Just for the free bonuses alone this investment will be worth it.

This is my old net-trainer program on steroids – you will not get any better than this


1st and foremost, if you take action NOW and reply to this email before 5pm WEDNESDAY October 8 you will get the following 3 fast action bonuses:

1) My Little Black Book of Fat Loss Secrets (a value of $19.77): Gets you a one way ticket inside my head where I reveal some of my favourite quotes and fitness tips to keep you motivated and burning fat.

2) Craig Ballantyne’s famous Turbulence Training 4 week Body Weight Program (a value of $27)

3) Bonus Interview: UK Fitness Pro Noel Lyons grilled me on some of my motivation secrets and what drives me to do what I do (a value of $29.77).

2nd and most powerfully, I am offering a money back guarantee!

If you are not completely 100% satisfied with your results after the end of the three month trial period, I will refund every last red cent that you invested

AND you will still keep all of the bonuses that you have already received.

If you feel that I haven’t delivered on my promise to you, I don’t want your money.

In fact I encourage you to give me your feedback on how I can make future issues better.

Who knows, you might even be tempted to be the prodical son and come back to the insiders family down the track.

Needless to say, I am expecting a barrage of replies as soon as this goes out.

You don’t want to be left behind do you?

Once the ship has sailed the door will be closed until the next induction which means you will have to wait until 2009

If you have any questions, please let me know.

To apply for your application, please email me - daniel(at)dpmperformance.com.au - Of course the (at) is replaced with @ - I just don't want spam robots seeing the email address

Monday, September 29, 2008

Days Are Expensive...

What an action packed weekend - That sunshine was awesome!

I made the most of the great weather yesterday and got out to film some workout videos that you'll be able to see soon on my DPM Performance You Tube Page. As well as enjoying a post shoot coffee at a nice little cafe in the rocks with my girlfriend.

I was also able to enjoy the hospitality of a corporate box at the footy on Friday night when the Storminators crushed the Sharkies who went MIA yet again at the business end of the season.

Gotta tell you - if there is a better way to watch a game of footy then being in a catered box then I am yet to experience it.

Lucky I got a good workout in before hand so I didn't feel guilty about enjoying some good food and a drink or two.

Not to mention seeing the Hawks cause a massive upset in the AFL Grand Final on Saturday. Nice to see the underdog get up. I enjoyed the action while sitting on my laptop doing some work.

The words I've got for you today are from the depths of my resource doco folder that has 210 pages of jammed packed quotes and words that inspire me.

I have not doubled up once in the 5 or so years I've been doing these and this one is no different from Motivational Speaker and Author Jim Rohn:

“Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely”

I think that tied into my words about getting a heap done on the weekend.

Surely yours wasn't spent nursing a hangover - or was it?

I posted an article on my blog on Friday that you might have missed.

It was about the good, the bad and the ugly of Personal Trainers. Worth the read if you missed it.

If you have been reading my stuff for a while now, you would know that I don't usually plug other peoples products very often.

Well today, I'm going to make an exception.

One of my mates, and fellow mastermind group member BJ Gaddour's Workout Muse is a must check out for any fitness pro or person just keen to train seriously.

BJ had the genius idea to put together music that you can workout to when you do your interval training.

I cranked it yesterday and did one of BJ's Tabata workouts - 20 secs flat out on the spin bike, 10 secs recovery for 4 mins and went through it twice. Got the heart rate up and got a great sweat on.

The end result, is you don't have to look at your stopwatch to know when to stop and go and you can concentrate on maximising your BURN baby!

You can check out the workout muse phenomenon and download your free sample workout track (which is a great interval set that I like to do from time to time) right here.

As a heads up, there are 2 categories - 1 for fitness professionals and one for the general punter who just wants to get a burn on.

Check it out, I personally love it. He's got some killer content and bonuses to match - I even get a jersey on his bonuses!

Finally, don't forget to join me on ISweat - where you can log your own personal workouts and you can see what I am up to each workout - best of all it won't cost you a cent!


What's your excuse?
Fire UP!

Friday, September 26, 2008

How Good Is YOUR Personal Trainer?

Yesterday I saw my "favourite" Personal Trainer again.

It has been the first time in months that I'd seen the bloke, so I'd sorta missed him.

This is a Personal Trainer who has a big gut.

This is a Personal Trainer who sends his clients on a warm up jog around the block - we got rid of that sort of warm up years ago as a heads up.

I don't say this to be negative and bag people.

I just need people to realise that there are a lot of cowboys out there that can call themselves a Personal Trainer.

Some people may say there is nothing wrong with having a bit of a gut and this guy may well be the nicest bloke in the world. He just might be.

Well, I say there is something wrong if you have a fat gut and want to call yourself a Personal Trainer.

Now you know why I don't call myself a Personal Trainer. I don't want to be dragged down with people's negative associations with trainers in the past.

I am a Fitness Conditioner that conditions new habits in people - one of them being the habit of losing body fat and getting the fat loss results that they deserve.

I take pride in looking after my body. Sure I enjoy my cheat meals when I have them but my whole diet plan doesn't consist of cheat meal after cheat meal.

If you are asking - show me the proof Daniel, let me see your six pack abs, you will get to see 'em very soon - in fact on October 20 I've got some big news for you - and you'll get to see the efforts of my hard work - ha!

So, in the mean time, if you want to see a real Sydney Personal Trainer in action, you gotta make sure they walk the walk as well as talking the talk.

What's your excuse? Fire UP!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

STEPtember Week 4 Update

If you are on this STEPtember challenge you should be flying by now.

By this stage your diet should be looking pretty sweet.

If you have removed one food/drink or problem area from your life each week, with this weeks removal you should be killing things.

If you are lacking in certain areas, use this weeks challenge as the call to action for you to add those extra vegetable servings or add a piece of fruit at each meal time to send your intake of vitamins and minerals through the roof in a good way.

Nail this months STEPtember challenges and you will have that body you want by Christmas time GUARANTEED!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Riding Them Horses Home - 100th Blog Edition

Today is the 100th edition of this blog, so if you have been with me since then, thank you and happy aniversary.

If you are a recent discoverer of DPM town, thank you for joining the ride

I kicked it off in October last year and have been a little slack in some weeks, only publishing one edition but for the last month or two I've been getting three posts on here a week and another three on my Aussie Fatblast blog, so be sure to check out both blogs for the best info from me on a regular basis.

For those of you who saw my post here on Friday with my 2 Saturday tips at the races, I hope you got on board because they both saluted and I was doing the "I'm going to Sizzler" dance on Saturday night (Remember White Men Can't Jump movie line?)

I was riding Musket down the straight at Rosehill more than the jockey I am certain and when it crossed the line first paying 13's the milky bars were well and truly on me!

Anyway, down to business.

The words for this week come from an anonymous source but I like it and hope you do to.

"The doors of opportunity are marked push"

Make sure that you're the one doing the pushing.

Have a massive week and enjoy this beautiful sunshine if you are lucky enough to be in good old Sydney town this week.

What's your excuse?
Fire UP!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Spring Carnival - Bring It On!

I thought I'd take a different angle today and not talk about fitness and fat loss for a change.

I'm heading out to Rosehill tomorrow for the first time in about 2 years for a bit of a punt and spring carnival action.

So instead of studying the latest fat loss techniques tonight, you can forgive me if I take some down time and study the form guide, not that it'll help me much!

If you've got any tips, please send 'em my way, I'll probably need them!

The ones that I have for you if you are keen for a punt is Weekend Hustler in Melbourne even though he'll be a bit short and Musket here at Rosehill who just happens to be the 3/4 brother to Makybe Diva. If he's half as good as she was the odds might not be what they are at now.

I might even work out how I can get a DPM Performance stakes race happening...

Make the most of the sunshine this weekend, get out, get amongst it and get fit.

What's your excuse?
Fire UP!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

STEPtember Week 3 Update

How are you going with your STEPtember challenges?

Are you kicking goals and successfully eliminating the 2 biggest problem areas of your nutrition make up by now?

If so, awesome news - keep it up!

If not, what are you waiting for?

The month is half over!

This weeks challenge for STEPtember if you have been following along, is to remove a third problem food or drink from your diet.

If you need to add a food source this week, such as eating at least five serves of vegetables a day, this is your challenge this time around.

If you can nail this, your diet make up should be looking pretty sweet by now.

If you are reading this thinking, yep I need that extra kick in the rear, please check out my site and see what DPM Performance can do for you.

I have group sessions located throughout the Sydney CBD and Inner West that will kick your fat loss mission into overdrive.

DPM Performance is the Sydney Personal Training specialist.

What's your excuse?
Fire UP!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Man Is Back!

How was your weekend?

If you are anything like me, you were loving the 31 degree Springday on Saturday - summer is on it's way baby!

My weekend was a sporting feast in front of the box:

- Paralympic highlights on Saturday arvo
- Club Rugby Semi on Saturday arvo
- The Bledisloe although it was disappointing to see us go down to the All Blacks again and give up a 10 point second half lead...
- NRL finals- Swans getting touched up (once again, it wasn't all good footy watching)

I also managed to get in some good Aussie Fatblast inspired workout sessions too.

I was feeling flat yesterday morning but still got in and did a boxing session with my girlfriend - it's the only time that she gets to belt me up and trust me, she packs a punch!

I felt awesome after finishing it though and a lot better for sticking it out when I didn't really feel like it at the start.

That's a great lesson there.

Do the workout even if you are feeling a little flat and you will pick up and be the better for it!

But the best news I heard in the last week was the news that the man is back.

Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, 7 time Tour de France legend Lance Armstrong is getting back on the bike.

To tell you the truth, at first I was a bit surprised to hear that he is making a comeback considering he has nothing left to prove.

I didn't think it was a smart idea to try and get back and mix it with the best after 3 years out of the saddle.

But that was until I heard his reason for making a comeback.

He wants to continue to raise awareness and some extra benjamins for cancer research.

He did some awesome stuff with those yellow Livestrong bracelets a few years ago, so he can obviously raise awareness and continue to raise some good coin.

So, you can't knock the bloke.

I am not going to write him off.

Especially when I went back and dug this quote out that was in his first book "It's Not About The Bike":

"If there is one thing I don't want to hear, it's that I can't do something. Telling me that is the best way to make sure that I'll do it" - Lance Armstrong

It'll be a tough choice deciding who to cheer him or Cadel next year!

Don't let fear hold you back!