Wednesday, October 15, 2008

HSC Nutrition Tips for Anxious Parents and Students

It doesn't seem that long ago when I was the one about to sit my HSC but to tell you the truth, it was 13 years ago.

A lot of water has been under the bridge since then.

Well, it is all on again and it starts tomorrow.

So, while some students may now be wishing that they studied a bit more instead of partying with their mates (I know how you feel), the one area that you can improve on now is through your nutrition habits and these nutrition tips should definitely help you feel more energised and alert during your exams.

My first and biggest tip is to forget everything that any nutritionist will tell you about so called healthy eating.

Most nutritionist advice will be to eat a nice "healthy" breakfast such as a piece of toast with some cereal.

For you lunch have a nice meat sandwich - processed deli meat of course is okay supposedly.

Wrong and wrong.

Your breakfast option should be to avoid breads, cereals and other processed rubbish and go for something like fruit and greek yoghurt.

You could also go for poached eggs or a nice omelette that combines a few vegetable sources like spinach and carrots as an example with a small can of mixed beans for added protein - great brain food.

Lunch might be a tuna salad or even use a tin of salmon - once again, fish and other meats from the ocean are great brain food.

Students need to eliminate the processed carbs that will give them a big sugar hit only to see them crash right in the middle of their exam, feel sleepy and tired and wanting to just go to bed.

Also try and avoid too much of a dependence on coffee.

Yeah coffee is okay but don't overdose on it. Definitely make sure you don't use any added sugar and forget what everyone tells you about low fat milk.

That is just too processed to even worry about.

Finally, get a sufficient amount of sleep so you feel rested when you wake up. Everyone will be different but make sure you get at least seven hours - preferably more.

Don't burn the candle at both ends - there is plenty of time for that after your exams finish!

All of my nutrition secrets are about to be revealed next Monday when my Aussie Fatblast Success System launches to the world.

The Secret Guide to Smart Eating explodes all of these food myths that I have mentioned today and more.

Stay tuned as you are sure to get the fat loss results that you are looking for when you forget about what the nutritionist is trying to beat down your throat and focus on a system that gets you real world fat loss results.

Don't let fear hold you back!

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