Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Show Me a Week in Your Life...

Did you enjoy your long weekend?

Hopefully there wasn't too many drinks while you watched Manly give the Storm a hiding in the Grand Final on Sunday arvo.

I know I appreciated my little sleep in yesterday morning - it was nice not to wake up to an alarm for a change on a Monday morning!

The words to fire you up for this week come from Author and Speaker Patricia Fripp

"Tell me what you say you want, show me one week of your life and I will tell you if you will get it"

I believe that I could ask you the same question and I'd be able to tell you straight away whether you are going to succeed in your mission for fat loss.

Am I right?

I'd suggest taking a minute or two and analyse where you are going now.

Is it getting you closer to your goal or driving you futher away from them?

I hope it is the former.

Finally, I was interviewed recently by Greg Hamlyn - founder of the Your Successful Weight Loss Teleseminar Series. The best thing about Greg's series is he doesn't charge anyone to get on board and listen.

Greg interviewed fitness and fat loss experts from around the globe and as one of the premier Sydney Personal Trainer experts I got a gig!

You can hear what questions I answered here:


In fact, it went down so well that we're going to do a Q n A again in a couple of weeks - which you will find out out once you sign up to listen to the first interview.

This won't cost you a red cent - so don't be shy - check it out.

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