Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bushfire Appeal Fatblast Session

Just got back from the Bushfire Appeal fundraising fatblast session.

Disappointing turnout to tell you the truth but we still raised $330 with another $200 pledged to be coming in.

So all in all over $500 raised for the Red Cross appeal which is great!

Thankyou to those who have donated!

Anyway, here is the circuit that we went through.

If you want to give this workout a try, please send me $20 to add to the tally. It'll be worth it.

Just contact me for details on how to get the $$$ to me.

Bodyweight Warm Up

Squats x 10
Deadlifts x 10
Hill Sprint, walk down recovery
repeat x 3

Tube Rows while partner performs 50 skips on skipping rope
repeat x 3

Side Plank x 30secs each side
Elbow Touches x 50
Floor Trunk Extensions x 50

Step Ups x 10 each leg
repeat x 3

Medicine Ball Push Ups x 10
Squat Jumps x 10
repeat x 3

Chin Ups or Recline Rows x 10
repeat x 3 with rest in between


45 mins of a tough fatblast workout.

If you like this weight loss workout you will love the Aussie Fatblast Success System.

Short, interval training driven circuits that give you the fat loss results that you deserve.

Don't give me the excuse that you don't have time!

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