Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Things You May Not Know About Me

I was challenged to list 25 things that people may not know about me on a fitness site that I am a member of on Monday.

It was challenging to look deep down and reveal some things that I have never really spoken about to many people before.

However, I found it refreshing and liberating to do.

It ain't all pretty, but whose life is anyway?

So, with a big deep breath, here it is.

1) I am Daniel Patrick Munday and was born in Penrith on 23 December 1977

2) I hated my last name growing up and got picked on all the time because of it. I still get pissed off today if someone makes a joke about it - ha ha very funny. Like I haven't heard that one a thousand times. Now I like my name because I know I am not a regular person.

3) When i was a kid and even into my late teens my dream was to become a first grade footballer with the Parramatta Eels and then play for the wallabies when i started playing rugby. It stopped when i realised that I wasn't really that good enough to do so!

4) I was a lazy trainer (hard for me to believe now) so it's no surprise why i didn't make it. Wasted opportunity.

5) I have a younger brother and sister who i am much closer to know then when we were growing up

6 My dad died from a massive heart attack 4 years ago in May at 53. He was fine that morning when i saw him and 4 hrs later I'm at the hospital staring at his body.

7 the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life was tell my mum that he had died when she got to the hospital. The second hardest thing was to read the eulogy.

8) That day changed me for the rest of my life. I stopped being as selfish and appreciated my family a whole lot more. You know the old saying you don't know what you've got till it's gone. It also inspired me to leave my job, start my own business and make a success out of myself.

9) I used to have a limiting belief about money and that I could never be wealthy or comfortable. Personal development and surrounding myself with people who are where I want to be helped me change this.

10) I used to be a pisshead that enjoyed getting drunk with my mates and picking up chicks 3 or 4 nights a week when I was 18 and into my early twenties. Although then it was only once a week!

11) I regret the way I treated some girls when I was in my late teens and early 20's.

12) I just got engaged just over a week ago to the love of my life. She is my first true love. We have been together for over 3 years.

13) My regret is that she didn't get to meet my dad and that my dad won't be there at our wedding however I am glad she meet me after as i believe I am a better person now.

14) I love to travel. I worked as a camp counsellor in Alabama for 3 summers in my early 20's and it was my favourite job. I have been to Fiji (3x), USA (5x), Canada, Jamaica, Italy, France, Turkey, Greece

15) I love what I do but i could happily travel around the world year for 12 months - that is my dream one day to be able to do that and not have to worry about the money

16) When i was a kid in primary school I wanted to be a writer. I used to write stories all the time. I stopped because it wasn't really cool to do in high school but now I love writing articles on fitness and have published an online internet program and had people contact me to share my writing on their sites, blogs and other high page rank sites. Funny how things can come full circle!

17) I am thankful for the challenges that I have endured as they make me who i am today

18) I am inspired by people who don't use hard times as an excuse for their live but rather as an inspiration for something more. People like Lance Armstrong, John Maclean are my 2 inspirations

19) I love most sports but cannot stand soccer and golf. My mum wouldn't let me play footy (rugby league) when i was a little kid so I had to play soccer and hated it

20) I didn't have many friends when I first started high school - it took me a while to find my groove. I remember my dad's speech at my 21st that went along the lines of for someone who was initially quite shy he was surprised and pleased to see how many mates i now had - good mates too and not people that treat you like dirt.

21) I have never smoked a cigarette or taken drugs in my life (except for alcohol). I saw my Pa go through hell for the last 4 years of his life because of cancer, emphasyma (know i spelled that wrong) because of smoking and vowed never to touch one. I was 15 when he died so an impressionable age when my mates were experimenting.

22) I still love a cold beer (especially on a hot day) but am thankful i can't drink or don't want to drink as much as i used to

23) I learned how not to run a business by working for people who treated their staff like numbers and like sh!t. I vowed I would never be like that in my business

24) I beleive in karma both good and bad and saw it come around when Dad died. It was amazing how much support people give you cause he was so well respected in the community.

25) I try and live by Zig Ziglars famous quote "You can have anything in the world that you want so long as you give others what they want".

i could've gone on and found this easier than i thought, especially after you get started and into a roll.

Now the challenge is for you to share something about yourself - c'mon I dare you!

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