Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday Arvos and Six Pack Abs

I spent a great Sunday catching up with some mates from school that I have not seen for a while.

They all have kids nowadays so we don't see each other as much as we used too but it's cool to catch up and see their kids growing up.

Now I want to remind you about my Body Transformation contest that I want you to enter, so I found this quote to help kickstart the people that are already signed up for the challenge:

"Tell me what you say you want, show me one week of your life and I will tell you if you will get it" - Author and Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp

For those who have not entered, you still have time to get on board, but remember the challenge has already started.

You don't want to give your opposition too much head start.

I've also got another 2 resources that can help you get where you want to be as part of this DPM challenge.

Those of you who have been doing my sessions lately have noticed that there seems to be a lack of crunches in my programs of late.

Some of you have asked why?

I want to burn my belly fat so why aren't we doing crunches?

Well truth be told, the more research I see, the more I am shying away from the crunch.

Truth be told, it just can't burn belly fat like other exercises that I love like Squats, Deadlifts, Push Ups, Chin Ups or Recline Rows.

The other thing is the amount of stress that is placed on your spine when you perform crunches.

Most of you spend your entire day sitting down where your spine is compressed already and to come and train and have a lot more stress on your spine through crunches just doesn't seem to make sense right?

So what's the best resource for a crunch free workout?

I've found this new program for six pack abs that my mate Craig Ballantyne is releasing today.

Burn Stubborn Belly Fat goes live at 12midnight EST. You get Craig's motivational secrets, plus SEVEN fat burning ab workouts.

The launch special includes 3 months free membership to his exclusive Turbulence Training Members site which is worth your investment alone.

Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

Finally, something else that was brought to my attention over the weekend, another guy I met in Florida last year, Brad Pilon, celebrated his birthday on Saturday and wanted to do something special.

You see Brad is known as the anti diet guy. He hates the fad diets and the traditional way that most people look at nutrition. He has created a controversial program Fast Fat Away where he created the program for those who have tried everything else but have failed.

To tell you the truth, this is not for everyone as it involves fasting for 1 day a week but if you want to try something different give it a shot.

The results speak for themselves.


What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

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