First up,If you have tried to email me in the last 2-3 days, I appologise if you have not heard back from me.
Due to an incompetent webhosting company, I have not been able to access my email account since wednesday.
So, if you have sent me something that has gone unanswered, or if you have signed up to my Saturday Training or PULSE can you please email my alternate email - until further notice.
Once again, my appologies.
Now for some content to make opening this worth your while!
Here's a heads up of the article that will be inside this weeks Inner West Courier.
I have had some great feedback for those of you who have seen this in your local paper each week. For those of you who are not in the area, you'll find them each week at if you are curious!
Do low fat foods make you fat? At first glance this seems like a pretty silly comment to make. Right? Don’t believe the hype.
Food manufacturers and some ill-informed health and fitness professionals would like you believe otherwise, but let us look at some interesting information that might help you switch sides.
Low fat foods are often filled with artificial sweeteners and flavours to give it some taste after all the fat has been taken out. Otherwise they are filled with sugars and excess sodium (salt).
The problem with these products is they have been shown to stimulate your appetite, meaning you will eat more.
If the foods you are eating contain artificial sweeteners, like you will find in diet soft drinks and sugar replacements for your coffee, your body’s ability to detect fullness is compromised.
This means your brain will not be able to receive the message from the stomach that it is full.
So, if your body doesn’t know when to stop eating, you will continue to overeat even though you may not actually be hungry.
Have you ever had the feeling that you have overeating a little while after eating any of these types of foods? You may not feel full at the time, but a little later you feel like you have been hit by a bus.
My prediction is there will be a backlash in the coming years against the low fat foods and diets that are being promoted.
More and more people will realise that we have been wrong for all of these years and will work on new ways to tackle the obesity problem.
I know that I, for one, will be leading the cause from the frontline.
My 2 cents worth:
Go to your pantry or fridge and empty out any low fat foods you have.
Don't believe the hype.
These are rubbish and not a good alternative.
Once again, please remember if you need to contact me, my temporary email address is
have a great weekend!
I'll be moving, so I know I'll be busy!
Travel Baseball Teams In Florida
And once again, The Creeks Baseball Club Board put on a great event to
start off. Spring 2019 Creeks Baseball Club Travel Team Tryouts St. Johns
County. Tr...
5 years ago
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