Monday, August 4, 2008

Your Cold N Flu Conqueror

As winter is usually the time of the colds and flu season, I have finally become a victim and have come down with a small head cold.

Nothing to lose sleep over, but as you know, I love solutions to problems, so I was thinking this morning, what can I do to give this the flick fast.

Apart from the usual codral option I wanted something healthy, quick and most of all, a great vitamin C and anti-oxidant boost.

I decided to create my Cold N Flu Conqueror.

2 oranges
1 banana
4 strawberries
3 capfuls of flax seed oil
1 thumbsize portion of ginger

I chopped up all the fruit and ginger and threw them in the blender.

Total preparation time: Less than 5 mins and 90 seconds to blend into a great vitamin C and anti-oxidant boost.

Next time you come down with something, try and nip it in the bud early my above special.

Give this great tasting fresh fruit juice concoction a shot and let me know if it works for you.

My Cold N Flu conquerer contains more than your daily recommended intake of fruit in just 1 hit.

The ginger definitely packs a punch and will help fight off all those nasties that are trying to invade your body.

You could use this fresh fruit juice as a breakfast kick in the backside, although I made mine this morning for my mid morning snack.

This fresh fruit juice alternative is always a much more preferable source than the processed fruit juices that are just ladden with sugars and other processed rubbish that you don't need.

Your colds n flu conquerer has to be fresh, not a packaged fruit juice that will have no nutritional benefit except accelerate the rotting of your teeth.

Now for my motivational words of the week:

"To be great in the future, we must learn about the greatness of the past" - Richard Simpkin

This quote is a reference to my blog posting the other week where I talked about how essential reading is to accelerating your fat loss results, and anything else that you want to achieve in your life.

To help me accelerate my goals, I am reading Richard's book "Australian Legends". I am enjoying his accounts of some famous people, and others that should be more renowned through their various life accomplishments.

What's your excuse?
Fire UP!

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