Monday, August 18, 2008

Is Today The Day For You?

Saturday night reminded me of the necessity of spending quality time with those closest to you. Sometime life and other social engagements get in the way and I remembered how good it is just to go out and enjoy a quiet meal with someone special.

That's my first tip for the day - make sure you're not letting that part of your game slip - go out and enjoy a great meal with your partner - just the 2 of you.

Yes, I even dragged myself away from the Olympics on TV!

Now onto today's words of motivation. These are quite possibly some of the most powerful that have ever appeared on these pages.

I encourage you to read right through, although it is a little bit lengthy but these powerful words from Renowned Author and Speaker Brian Tracy pack a mighty punch:

"Every day is the day that turns somebodies life around forever. Is TODAY that day for YOU? By the end of this email, you'll know the answer.

Think about the successes you've experienced so far in life, and I'll bet you can point to a particular moment in time when each one began, just like the heroine of this brief but powerful story:

One evening, not many years ago, a young housewife realized she didn't have enough cash on hand to buy some of the groceries she needed for the rest of the week.

As a stay-at-home mother and wife, she was entirely dependent upon her husband for income. So, when he arrived home from work that evening, she asked him for an extra 10 dollars.

Hearing the question, he turned to her with visible irritation. He heaved a sigh, rolled his eyes, and asked, "What for?"

She was stung by the contempt in his voice, and by the humiliation she felt at having to grovel for a measly 10 dollars. And in that instant, she made a decision:

She would never ask another person for money, ever again.

Today, this same young woman is the vice president of a prestigious company, pulling down a hefty six-figure salary, with a string of promotions behind her and many more sure to come.

Indeed, she has never asked anyone else for money since that fateful day. And she never will.

In hindsight, it's easy to recognize just where, when, and how a success story started.

But what about the successes you haven't yet accomplished — the unrealized goals, dreams, and wishes you're harboring right now?

We're all looking for a transformation in some area of our lives. It could be something as simple as a new wardrobe. Or as significant as finding a whole new career path.

No matter how big or small your current dreams may be, if they're ever going to become a reality, it will be because of one critical day in your life's journey.
The day when you hear the idea, experience the episode, or are hit with the realization that somehow, mysteriously, makes all the difference in the world.

The day when you finally get that elusive "missing piece" you've been waiting for — the thing that suddenly empowers you to actually do the thing you've only dreamed of doing up until now.

The day when you take a seemingly insignificant step that winds up setting you on a completely new path ... and ultimately leads you to your goal.

Just one day. That's all it takes to turn any "what if?" — what if I were richer, happier, thinner, healthier, more successful, more organized — into what IS.

The question is, When will that day arrive?

Leave it to chance, and it could come next week, or never at all. Worse, it could come and go without your ever picking up on the signs or seizing the opportunity that it brings your way.

But here's the good news: You don't have to wait for it to show up!"

I love it!

The Olympians competing at the moment are living these words. I loved Grant Hackett's swim yesterday. The bloke came second but he swam the third fastest 1500m that he's ever swum and had absolutely nothing left in the tank when he touched the wall.

Even on the dias for the medal ceremony some 15 plus minutes after the race he still looked spent.

Great effort champ. If anybody bags him for not winning they don't deserve to be an Australian.

My other inspirations from the weekend came from the men's rowers - absolutely leaving everyone in their wake and the same with the girls in the medley relay yesterday.

Even that man Michael Phelps, is he even human? He is an absolute freak!

I must admit even though he beat our blokes in the relay yesterday you have to hand it to him. You would have to be a hard judge not to give him the credit for what he has achieved.

Maybe in London we can handicap him by 2 seconds to give the rest of the field a fighting chance?

Not likely but I am just enjoying him swimming either way.

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

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