Thursday, May 1, 2008


With the colder weather starting to come on, here are some great ideas to keep warm and keep your meals nutritious during this time of year.

1. Rice Porridge: I only started getting into this last week but now I'm hooked! It's a nice way to start my early and COLD mornings, and a nice change from the fruit salad and nuts or eggs that I had been having lately.

Made up only of brown rice, sultanas (Ok, they're not perfect) and the label says may contain preservative 222 (from memory) it's about as nutritious as most things in a box gets.

I like to pour some organic soy milk instead of the water as recommended on the box and add some flax seed oil and fruit after it is cooked.

2. Eggs: The old faithful is a quick and easy breakfast when fried up in the morning. Just hold the bacon and bread. Add flax seed oil to taste on top instead of tomato sauce.

3. Homemade Risotto: This is a great dinner that can be made up with virtually any vegetable you want. We like to use pumpkin, broccoli, capsicum just to name 3.

I've tried many combos and they all taste great from Turkey or Chicken mince to Vegetarian. You can add a little parmesan cheese for extra taste. The rest is pretty good for you... and warming!

4. Homemade Soup: Pick your vegetable of choice and turn it into a soup. Whether it is pumpkin (my personal favourite) or any other soup you love, this is a great warming food that is low on the calories if made right. The left overs are also great as lunch the next day.

5. Peppermint or Green Tea: Ok, these are not foods, but they keep you warm and the health benefits are widely renowned, especially for green tea these days. The Peppermint Tea is a nice way to unwind after a busy day. It is very relaxing, so take note if you are stressed.

You have no excuse now to eat healthy and stay warm during the next few, colder months!

What's your excuse?

Fire (and warm) UP!

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