Monday, June 23, 2008


After you read on, I think you'll realise that I had my tongue firmly planted in my check with the above title.

But before I get into the action, this quote from Winston Churchill will help you understand how strongly I feel about what I am about to write.

“If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack”

Ok, take a deep breath and read on.

The title that we won, as you may have heard in the news over the weekend is that of the FATTEST NATION IN THE WORLD - per capita.


I knew we were in trouble but not that bad.

It seems we have left the yanks for dead - no pun intended.


Where did we go wrong?

Doing too much of not too much at all if that makes sense.

It seems that people have got caught up in their own life and busy-ness that they have forgotten about looking after number 1.

So how can we reverse the trend.

It is simple.

No matter how busy we are - and I include myself in that boat - there is always time to exercise.

It doesn't have to be for an hour like we have been taught for all of these years.

In fact, my interval cardio session that I will do when I get home tonight will be less than 20 mins long!

My workout on friday was only 6 mins of action - doesn't sound like much but when you finish it you know you've had a workout.

Get in, bust your butt and get out - that's my theory.

High intensity, short training sessions.

The crap that kids get fed these days too is another reason.

Why are there so many kids that are obese these days?

Seriously, it should be considered child abuse to do that to a kid and let them get that way.

These same people would not treat their flash car like that, or even their dog.

So why the kids?

People are not big because of bad genetics. Sure, some people have thyroid problems or other medical conditions I won't deny that.

But for the most part, people are big because they eat the same crap that their parents, siblings and everyone else they associate with eat and drink.

Anyway, that's enough ranting for today.

Let's look at solutions.

Here's my 2 cents worth:

* Subsidies for personal training and gym memberships (reward people who want to take action)

* Government subsidies for health insurance premium discounts for people who meet certain health and fitness criteria each year - why are my health fund premiums funding everyone elses claims?

* A review of the current recommended healthy eating options such as the food pyramid (I'll write about how much this is messed up in another posting soon)

* An extra tax on fast food and reduce the cost of healthier options like fruit and vegetables so nobody can say it is too expensive to eat healthy.

I'll tell you what I'll even do to put my money where my mouth is.

I am going to announce the first ever DPM Performance Ultimate Body Blitz.

Yep, I'll organise the details and let you know as soon as I finalise them, but I am going to run a transformation contest together to reward people for taking action.

I'll put some pretty sweet prizes together and make this event worth taking part in.

Stay tuned soon for more info.

Thankyou for letting me get it off my chest. It feels better already.

On a positive note, I applaud people who are already taking the steps to reverse this situation in their own lives.

That is why I do what I do.

I love seeing people make a positive change and get awesome results - rather than being excuse makers.

Why am I so passionate about this?

Well, partly it's my job.

But the main reason is I lost my Dad to a heart attack in what should of been the prime of his life at 53.


I don't want the same thing to happen to me and I definitely don't want the same thing to happen to you.

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!


Anonymous said...

here here!!! I couldn't agree more. Interestingly my health fund stopped giving rebates for gym membership and sporting equip a couple of years ago. Coverage for preventative medicines (holistic therapies, personal training etc) makes much more sense then paying for me to have surgery once I'm already sick!

Christie said...

I applaud your views! I agree with your suggestions. It's time for action! I look forward to hearing about your Body Blitz.

Christie in California