Monday, January 7, 2008

WELCOME TO 2008! blog ed. 11

I hope you're as excited about 2008 as I am!

The thing I love about the start of a new year is the slate is wiped clean. If last year wasn't one of your best it doesn't matter.

If it was, then like me, I am inspired to make this year even bigger.

What's your goal for this year?

These words from UK Fitness and Motivation Expert, Dax Moy are very timely for this time of year:

"If you can't tell your goals to other people, they won't happen. If you can speak about them comfortably, they will happen"

I have told my goals to family and friends over the break, which is great, because it helps keep me accountable.


To start the year off on the right note, I am assuming that most of us need to change a habit or two that we slipped into over the Christmas break.

For some, that challenge may seem more daunting then others. Chances are most people try some crazy diet and last for a week or two before slipping off the bandwagon when it becomes too much and the social life starts calling again.

So, here is my 2008 success plan for us, yes, I include myself in this too.

I want you to focus on one area that you feel you need to concentrate on the most. For me, I enjoyed a few more drinking sessions over the break then I normally would during the year.

For others it may be too much chocolate, too many deserts, too many fast foods etc. I think you get the picture by now.

Now, what's the challenge once you've selected your focus area?

I'm setting the challenge for you to abstain from that habit from Monday to Friday only. Once again, for me, it means not having a drink from Monday to Friday. If I feel like a quite beer on a Saturday then I can and won't feel guilty about it.

For you, you may have to refrain from those tasty chocolate nuts until the weekend!

So, what do you think? Are you up for the challenge or will you continue 2008 the same way every other year has been for you?

For those of you who are based in Sydney, stay tuned to your inbox around lunch time, as I will be releasing my new group training options for the year.

There are some big changes so stay tuned and be sure to get on board! For those of you not in our beautiful city, feel free to visit http://www.dpmperformance.com.au/ and check out the Net-Trainer online training options that will kickstart your year in a positive way!

Get out and make it a great week!

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

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