Wednesday, January 16, 2008



Every training session you do, every time you eat some healthy food, and the incidental exercise you do each day is putting money in your own personal body bank. Some deposits are small, such as eating an apple, while some are much bigger like an intense workout.

When you eat something that isn’t ideal, when you miss that training session that you were supposed to do, that is making a withdrawal. We need to ensure that our bodies are a savings account where there is plenty of money saved and not the credit card that is maxed to the limit!

You will not lose the weight if you are constantly withdrawing from an account with non existent funds. You need to earn these saving points for your treat.

Your 10 minute walk to the bus stop each day is 50 minutes a week. When you also do it on the way home, it becomes 100 minutes of walking a week. What about when you get off a stop earlier?

That extra 5 minutes walk becomes and extra 50 minutes when you do it at the start and end of your day. You now have 2½ hours of incidental exercise every week! Even if you drive to work, the same can apply.

Swap the walk each side of your working day for a walk up the stairs at work, or walk to the coffee shop up the road. You can even park your car further from your office. It all adds up.

When you combine this with a regular exercise routine, you are now on your way to achieving your goals! Stay focused on how you want to feel in the coming months. Nothing tastes as good as the feeling you get when you achieve something great! Get to it Today NOT Tomorrow!


This training program is without doubt, the best program on the market for mums looking to lose their baby fat. Fit Yummy Mummy Holly Rigsby has transformed her body and her life with these methods.

Now let Holly transform your body with the Fit Yummy Mummy Workouts


Holly has got some awesome bonus products, including nutrition guides that are essential for your success and even giving you access to her VIP coaching program! That alone is worth your investment.

As of this writing, you have exactly 25 hrs left to take advantage of her 5 bonuses before they are taken off forever!

once again, that site is:

Now for the blokes, this is the workout that will back on some bulk and allow you to exchange your BB Guns for Uzis.

Former self confessed skinny guy Vince Delmonte is now a ripped fitness model - how's that for a transformation? Vince has released what will soon be the # 1 Muscle Gain product online The No Nonsense Guide to gaining muscle.


Like Holly, Vince is also running a promo which finishes @ 12 midnight TONIGHT. Vince is even throwing in a DVD, 3 months membership to his site and audio downloads for nix if you sign up today AND he has slashed his price!

I strongly recommend that if you want to gain any muscle mass in 2008 then this is your muscle gain bible.

Vince calls it as he sees it, and pulls no punches. Get Vinced and find out what supplements are
not worth the money you are paying, what training methods completely suck and are seeing you waste your valuable training time and many others.

Go and Get Vinced!


You know that I wouldn't recommend anything that I haven't or wouldn't use myself. These products are in my arsenal. Are they in yours?

What's your excuse?

Fire UP!

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